2 x 10 mins
These bikes will use the large dirt track and only 4 of this type of bike will be on track at one time
Suitable for children age 3 – 8
Hire of the electric balance bike
Hire of helmet, knee and elbow pads
Briefing and instructions on how to control the bike
All riders need to come wearing full length bottom and tops and trainers
2 x 10min sessions
This experience uses the KTM SX E 5 bike,
This experience will use the large dirt track with 4 bikes on track at one time,
Suitable for children aged 5 – 12,
Hire of full safety equipment,
Hire of KTM SX- E 5 2022,
Briefing and instruction on how to operate the bike
3 x 10min sessions
This experience uses the KTM free ride ,
This experience will use the large dirt track with 4 bikes on track at one time,
Suitable for adults aged 12+,
Hire of full safety equipment,
Hire of KTM Freeride,
Briefing and instruction on how to operate the bike